'Mashed Banana Puree | Baby Food | Infant Food | 6 Months Old | 7 Months Old | Yelakki Banana'

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01:04 Mar 8, 2021
'When Should Bananas Be Introduced to Babies? Doctors recommend that you give your child bananas at the age of 6 months, right around the time he starts eating semi-solids. A small banana per day for a 6-month-old baby is ideal.  Given that, bananas are a great option for a first solid food for babies. In fact, bananas are great food for babies, kids, and adults at all ages and stages: naturally sweet, soft enough to mash with a fork (or gum), and ripe with lots of key nutrients.  *5 Benefits of Banana* One of the 1st Foods introduced to Babies. Bananas are loaded with nutrients and are a storehouse of energy. The percentage of Fats in Bananas in Zero & is really easy to digest. Babies do not really have to chew them. Advantage of giving Bananas is its easily available, cheap & easy to carry in travel, it doesn\'t have to be washed and can be pureed easily. Bananas have less risk of Allergies  1. Instant source of energy. 2.Improves eyesight and bones. 3.Aids in Digestion. 4.Good for Brain. 5.Helps in Preventing Anemia    #babyfood,#hungrybaby,#hungrytoddler,#hungryinfant,#babyeating,#babynutrition,#firsttimemothers,#infants,#infantfoodtime,#whattofeedmybaby,#infantfoodie,#feedingright,#infantfood,#solidfoodforinfants,#infantfoodideas,#firstfoods,#infantfoodbloggers,#babyhealthandwellbeing,#infantmeals,#infantfoods,#foodintroduction,#toddler,#toddlerfoodtime,#toddlerfoodie,#toddlerfood,#babydietplan,#boostingimmunity,#toddlerfoodblogger,#bananapuree,#bananaforbaby #mashedbanana' 

Tags: #toddler , #Babyfood , #firstfoods , #infants , #babynutrition , #toddlerfood , #hungrybaby , #hungrytoddler , #hungryinfant , #babyeating , #firsttimemothers , #infantfoodtime , #whattofeedmybaby , #infantfoodie , #feedingright , #infantfood , #solidfoodforinfants , #infantfoodideas , #infantfoodbloggers , #babyhealthandwellbeing , #infantmeals , #infantfoods , #foodintroduction , #toddlerfoodtime , #toddlerfoodie , #babydietplan , #boostingimmunity , #toddlerfoodblogger , #bananapuree , #bananaforbaby #mashedbanana

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